Day Seven

Our luck ran out! Starting at 7 am this morning the rain came along with thunder and lightening. We patiently waited, but it did not stop all morning and it caused the cancellation of the gaucho parade. Everyone was so disappointed, but it could not be helped.

Then along came our “rescue”. Rossaura Pagglia who is a resident of Areco and had the carriage collection we visited on our first day here invited us to her town home. Not knowing what was in store, we were all simply blown away by her collections of Argentine silver and leather goods, bits, stirrups, arrow heads, spurs, blankets, ponchos, and on and on. Her house was full of items so well displayed I heard many remark “this is so much better than a museum!”

We had always planned to sit in chairs along the route of the parade outside of Rossaura’s small hotel in town and eat empanadas and drink some wine, but as it was not to be Rossaura had quickly put together a more extensive lunch and we were taken to a building she had just bought where tables and chairs were set up. The For Sale sign was still outside and in we trooped to enjoy a full and extremely tasty lunch. No one was disappointed with today in the end…………………..